Texas Roadhouse with roommates and more! 9.9.09

Rodney Atkins concert with Jackie and her friends 9.11.09

Bonfire at the dunes 9.12.09
(no pictures available)
The Nashville Tribute concert 9.18.09
(no pictures again)
General Conference Weekend :) 10.2-4.09
Jim Brickman Concert 10.10.09
(no pictures available yet again)
Natural Disasters field trip 10.17.09
Boys Like Girls Concert 10.20.09
Nauvoo Tour! (best experience ever!) 10.21-28.09

Switching Amy's bed with the kitchen table because she ditched us? priceless.

Halloween at Dr. Slaughter's in IF 10.31.09

Denny's run at 1 in the am after playing water polo 11.09

Random bored nights

David Archuleta concert 12.4.09
(no photos)
Power outage the last night here 12.17.09

Basically, it was a pretty amazing semester. Thanks to all of you who were apart of it! You are amazing and I love you all. <3