After studying in the library from 9:30 till 11:30, we went to get food. Lets just say that we were hungry. And even though Stephen had to go home because of curfew, it was still grand!
note the giant stack of donuts, and the taco bell wrapper. we had a ton of food.
Wow! I can't believe it's almost the end of October already! This semester is flying by so quickly. It's been pretty amazing thus far. So many great new friends, new experiences, and flat out fun times. My new roommate, Kjerstin, is the best. Half the time we stay up into all hours of the night laughing at ridiculous things that probably aren't that funny during "normal" hours. We have some pretty rockin' times during those "normal" hours too though... definitely every day has something great about it.
Our other partner in crime is none other then Stephen! He rocks :) He's accompanied us in many great adventures. Pretty fun to cuddle too. hehe.
I love these two so much. They've made this semester great for me. I don't know what I'd do without them. There are so many inside jokes we have it's fantastic.
Here are some pictures from our adventures (and other's) thus far. Enjoy :]
four out of six of us roommates the first Sunday of the semester