
no i ain't lucky i'm blessed, yes

(song lyrics ;] )

Today has been a great day. Let me explain why:

-almost finished unpacking, just one box & a few things on the wall left
-had a yummy dinner at costa vida & went to see Rango with a friend

that last one there was the icing on the cake. overall today's been pretty great, but getting that email saying i'm going to be employed for the next 4 1/2- 5 months, i can't stop smiling! I've been worrying constantly about what i would do if i couldn't find a job. my whole reason to stay in rexburg this summer was because of a job! but now, everything is going to fall into place perfectly. i'm so excited! and so so so very blessed.


day thirty of thirty

a picture of someone i miss
i miss a lot of people!
my mommy 
daddy & brad
"the boss"- aka Ryan!
 Rebecca! I really miss her!
and Katie lulu!

see... i told you i miss a lot of people! there's even more, but those are a few. i also miss Ryan Joos, Tyler Monson, Keiton Johnson, my extended family- grandparents, cousins, etc etc etc


day twentynine of thirty

a picture that can always make me smile
any picture with this girl makes me happy :)


day twentyeight of thirty

a picture of something i'm afraid of
really really really big spiders!