
welcome to the world, Brynlee Marie!

(warning: long post, but there's lots of pictures too!)

So a couple weeks ago, on a Monday (October 28th, 2013 to be exact), a big event took place! Greg and I met our beautiful baby girl as we welcomed her into this world! We were at 38 weeks and 4 days. 10 days early! - She was due November 7th.
Luckily, we took a pregnancy profile picture the day before she came! This is how big I was. 

So here are the details:

I woke up at exactly 6:00am because of a contraction
By around 6:30am Greg decided to start gathering the last minute items we planned to bring to the hospital - I was busy on my knees leaning on the bed because of some intense back labor.
Around 7:00am we get in the car and head to the hospital - Greg had to make the decision for us to go, I didn't want to
Upon being checked at the hospital we learned I was dilated to 4cm. 
Greg took care of all the admittance paperwork. 
They put an IV into my hand and started me on a drip - the CN (Jill?) couldn't find a vein and stuck me once unsuccessfully, so the RN (Toni?) tried and it took her two tries before being successful.
At this point I'm feeling pretty miserable because of the horrible back pain, hot flashes, and I'm a bit hungry and tired. I throw up (thankfully it's just water!) - Greg lets the nurses know. 
Doctor Meredith shows up then, (it's been about 2 1/2 hours since we've been at the hospital now) and when he checks my progress I'm still at 4cm, but I'm 100% effaced - he decides that if it's alright, he'll break my water to help move things along. 
We agree - let me tell you, weirdest sensation ever! 
Next, I give in and ask for an epidural (that back pain was just horrid!). They have me try to go to the bathroom, and once I return the anesthesiologist is ready. 
After that epidural started taking place I felt pretty darn good! It was just the right amount of juice - I could still feel, but there was no pain! 
My body was shaking a lot, but they gave me blankets to keep me warm. 
Greg describes the change before and after the epidural as a complete 180degree difference.
I was able to relax a little and rest my eyes.
I also kept thanking the nurses and anyone in the room for all of their help.
I think it helped put Greg at ease as well because I was no longer in pain - he was such an amazing and great support the whole time, doing anything to help me feel better. 
Another hour and a half goes by and they check me again - dilated to 9cm! - We were surprised how fast I progressed, and happy too! Guess I just needed to relax, ya?
Shortly after I have fully progressed to 10cm dilation and the nurse has me start pushing while they let the doc know I'm to that point. 
She tells me to just breath through a contraction because otherwise the doc wouldn't make it in time to deliver.
Pushed for a total of 23 minutes.
Felt her head as she was crowning! - kinda weird, i know.
She came posterior -nose facing outward instead of toward my spine - the cause of mentioned back pain earlier.
Here's a diagram to help explain that a little better.

anterior (ideal position)             posterior (not ideal)

Greg got to cut the cord.
It was so incredible to see her as she lay on my stomach and the nurses started to clean her off.
There was a new life, a precious little spirit laying on my stomach that Greg and I are responsible for, in a body we created!
There was a huge bump on the front of her head because of the way she came, and her muscle tone wasn't as ideal as they would like so they took her to the Panda Warmer to give her some more stimulation and check her vitals. 
They then reminded Greg that he could start taking pictures if he wanted. :)
While Greg took pictures of our little girl's first few minutes of life, I was being stitched back up - I tore in three separate spots, all on the inside I was told. 

Oh, and Brynlee Marie Harston's stats are: 
Born at 12:41pm on Oct 28, 2013 
Weight - 6lbs, 9oz
Height - 19.5in
Head circumference - 13in
Chest - 12in 
Total hours in labor - 6hrs 41min

Fun fact: When I was born I weighed the exact same, 6lbs 9oz, my height was 18.5in, and my head and chest were 13.5in & 12.5in (respectively)

Now, some (a lot) of photographs for your viewing pleasure.

notice the bump - it was gone after an hour or two and her head was perfectly round

in the panda warmer

a very proud daddy holding his girl for the first time - in the panda warmer - all snuggled up with the headband the hospital staff made/gave her

skin to skin with momma

at this point in the timeline friends came to visit, and around 11pm my parents show up! - they stayed until Thursday

in her "going home" outfit - we stayed until the next day and went home that evening

all dressed and ready to go!

waiting to get discharged

first at home picture!

how she likes to sleep :)

grandpa gets some snuggle time in (while talking to his son)

so precious! its hard to move when she lays on me with this face

we unintentionally dressed her up in her bug outfit on Halloween ^.^

making funny faces

she didn't like her first bath - so much that she pooped as soon as she was wrapped up in her towel!

love her! I just can't get enough of this face!

apparently more comfortable then with her head in the nook of my arm

another face i just had to capture

she'd rather sleep on her side, not swaddled in the bassinet


8 days old, and a plugged tear duct with a slight infection :( - walked away from a doctors visit with eye drops 

look at those lips! 


nap time with daddy!

tummy time!