
The cutest face you'll ever see

The many faces of my beautiful baby girl! 

Brynlee's first Sunday at church!

Sitting up by herself! Just resting her elbows on my legs for support :)

The first smile caught on camera :)
Look at the chub on those arms/shoulders!! Proud mom!

Boy do I sure love this girl! She makes my life worthwhile. Every day is fun with her around. Sure, there are tough times. It's hard to figure out how to tend to all her needs as well as get housework accomplished, to keep up with it all. But I wouldn't trade this time in my life for anything in the world. I know that there are things I need to learn through the hardships of becoming a new parent. And with Heavenly Father's help I can learn those lessons and overcome my trials. 

I love these two people more than anything in the world!

My goofy little Boo

Brynlee is so silly! Can't believe I caught this on camera! Hehehe